Meet John Feldman | Luxury Landscape Architecture Principal & Decorative Italian Plumbing Specialist

We had the good fortune of connecting with John Feldman and we’ve shared our conversation below. Hi John, is there something that you feel is most responsible for your success? The most important factor behind the success of both Ecocentrix Landscape Architecture and Sturgianni has been our unwavering commitment to quality, sophistication, and client satisfaction…. Read more »

Enduring Endeavors and the Feldman Legacy

  Design, unlike many career paths, is often chosen out of passion –  less a desire, and more of a need, to create. It is a career that rarely has a clear directive and requires a certain kind of professional flexibility, a willingness to try and err and try again. The glamour of revealing a… Read more »

Featured In: World Landscape Case Studies

We are very excited to have one of our projects featured in the World Landscape Case Studies book, for The Best Villa Garden Landscape.